
Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogtober Fiesta!

Today is October 1st and I nearly forgot that it's Blogtoberfest over at Tinniegirl. I get a warm fuzzy feeling just thinking about it because it was one of the first memes that got me seriously committed to daily blogging. It all started back before Tinniegirl was Tinniegirl and Curlypops was famous... Bellgirl toted around with weekly highlights.

So what am I doing this October?? I'm going to sew with some of that rare fabric that everyone seems to hoard and no one seems to use (except Rita, she uses it like wildfire!) A year ago, I owned no Flea Market Fancy. None at all... through swapping, scouting and generosity, I now have a hefty size collection and I'm using it all up because October is also Use your stash instead of staring at it Month. We have no button or group of our own. We've just invaded Penny's Flea Market Fancy { Freaks }. Join us with any projects from your hard-to-find stash. Any rare collection is welcome and any project too! Big or small. Sheridan's in. Belinda's in when she's home from vacation. Dorrie, Amisha.... all the cool kids are doing it. Here's a peak at what I'll be working on:

Come on! Your brave and you can cut that fabric. We'll coax you on and the FMF group is great for inspiration.

And fair warning.. I may miss a few days of Blogtoberfest while I'm in Tokyo, but that's ok. I know Tinnie and Curly will forgive me!

Also don't missout on the Badskirt sale this weekend. Patterns have been flying out the door.


  1. I have a fairly significant supply of FMF, not complete by any means, but I'm willing to cut into it (gasp) and use it in something cool this month!

  2. I've heard all about this FMF obsession and I don't even have a scrap of it. What's it all about I wonder?

  3. "I may miss a few days of Blogtoberfest while I'm in Tokyo," Oh Amy! You lead a tough life! Love it! LOL

  4. Oh my goodness! This blog gives me so much to think about....I'm a bit dazed and confused.....

  5. Happy Blogtoberfest Amy - sounds like you are a seasoned veteran!

    I am alrady Blogtoberfest'ed out for today I think - running around the tail-end of the list shouting "Happy Blogtoberfest!" will do that to you....! ;)

  6. I jumped on the FMF bandwagon just a couple of months ago and have started making hexagons with your idea to use that precious fabric!!!


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