
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

more drinks from Japan.

remember the pocari sweat? How about these gems which you can find streetside in Tokyo? Your guess is as good as mine as to what they taste like. I'm kicking myself for not buying the pancake drink!


  1. Ooh, love the look of the pancake drink. Complete with maple syrup, no less! My hubby and I had lots of fun experimenting with those drink vending machines in Tokyo. We found an iced coffee that we just had to have every day!

  2. !. Black soybean flavored black tea
    2. ribbon citron? probably a citrus flavor
    3. Those are all coffee
    4. apple juice
    5. melon cider
    6. pancake flavored milkshake

    Yay my Japanese degree is getting some use.

  3. love the packaging with the apple on it. nice and simple.

  4. @Ashley

    2. Is like 7 Up...generic brand.
    5. Is also like 7Up in a superhero can.

  5. Love it. This sounds much better than in Ukraine, where you can purchase beer streetside, and it is cheaper than water.


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!