
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

psst.... read a cool blog and win a hippo.

the hip and trendy, Jemma of Amityville Boronoia bought Artamer from me the other day which made me smile because she's very cool and I knew he'd be going to a good home. Then she wrote to say that it was for a blog giveaway and asked to use my photos. So Artamer has briefly travelled to a hip homestead but soon could be coming to yours.

There are many reasons you should visit Amityville Boronia. She makes cool carved stamps and clothes. She's got a great little puppy. She's young and on the pulse. She's busy doing 101 things in 1001 days and telling us about them. (Her sister is too) I won't give you the link to the hippo post, pop over and see what she's been up to for Blogtoberfest. Leave her some nice comments to let her know you've visited. After a bit of a gaze, say something on the hippo post and you might win.

Seriously this is an amazingly generous giveaway. Jemma bought Artamer as a prize. In this day and age, where too many blogs have become commercialized giveaway zones, Jemma used her own hard-earned money for a prize. I think that makes it extra special. She's really really nice. Scoot on over. Off you go.


  1. I'm off to see a lady about a hippo and my veri word is "folow".

  2. What an awesome gal to be giving away such a rockin' hippo! I hope you don't mind but I used your Hippo photo to blog about the giveaway...with credit of course directed to you and your many talents. If you would prefer I hadn't, let me know and I'll take it down. Check it out here if you would like to see:

  3. Well shucks. Thanks Amy! You're the best.

    (I don't know if he's a great "little" puppy)

  4. So now you can made a 3t boy outfit...

  5. Thanks for the head's up! (Your hippos are so cute!)


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!