
Monday, November 22, 2010

and more blocks...

Every time I finish a project for the market, I reward myself with a few more photos. I'm working through your name requests as I make some fun words. They've got their own flickr collection now. I'll add the names in there and sort them alphabetically. Give me through the week to work on them.


  1. If you out the word "with" inbetween the words crap and fabric then read the photos backwards they would say, "make crap with fabric".

    Haha! Love the blocks, wicked cute.

  2. hysterical! I want an x-rated bad word flickr set!!

  3. You know I am green with envy for these.

  4. Oh my, I love them! I've been away from the computer for two days and I miss blocks. I so want my name. What a lucky find for you!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!