
Thursday, November 11, 2010

junie's arrival and departure

A few of you sent emails asking if Junie, my Blythe, had arrived from Seattle. I had a bit of a heartbreaking tale with little one. She arrived but was a bit scathed in her journey. Too much time in the Tahitian sun left her a little rosy and I feared she wasn't going to fair well in our beach weather. And so as quick as she came, her suitcase was packed up and she's returned to the states. It's a bit of a heartbreak for both of us as she really took to her new room.

We managed just 5 minutes worth of photography while she was here. More photos over on flickr. I'm pleased because it means I'm actually capable of photographing Blythe dolls and I've also learned that my clothes will need a little adjustment. I haven't give up hope. I've sent a detailed wishlist to a Tokyo bound friend with the hopes of another little girl coming to live with us soon. I'm also keeping my eyes and ears open on the forums. It's just as well, I suppose. I hadn't made a quilt for her yet...

So Junie's gone, but our home is open and ready for another dolly to come our way.

For those wondering. It isn't actually the sun that was the problem with her. She just needed a little TLC and a hair treatment. Her customizer has been brilliant, helpful and provided wonderful customer service through the whole experience. Junie might even be up for adoption again soon, so if you love this little face (and how can you not?) keep your eyes and ears open.


  1. Did she get the boot because she is a redhead? Us redheads always get rejected! LOL

  2. oh, I hope you'll get a new girl soon. you know, you make make me want a girl of my own too, they're just so cute!

  3. Oh Amy! I'm so sorry. I'm sure you will have a new girl for the wonderful home you have set up for her soon.
    I too am on the look out for a new family member. I would love a Goldie but at over a grand....not going to happen lol!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!