
Monday, November 8, 2010


Every so often, you stumble on a piece of wacky fabric that you must buy simply for the smile it brings you. This one from Cosmo Textiles (Japanese, of course) speaks for itself.

A log with arms, an onion head kid, crabs, a sad acorn, a cupid bee, tomato persimmon trees and a monkey. I bought a 1/2m just in case the planets align in some strange sort of way and I needed fabric with all of those things on it.

Edit: Thank you, Lannie for pointing out that it was a persimmon tree. I have no idea what a persimmon is, but knowing that the monkey isn't about to throw tomatoes makes me feel much better.

and see post above with explanation of the fabric thanks to Joree!


  1. Perhaps your stack theme should be onion heads, sad acorns, crabs and logs with arms!! You'd be the winner for sure!

  2. The monkey is sitting in a persimmon tree, fyi. Why are there crabs in the forest?

  3. I'm guessing something got lost in translation? Bizzar-o. But cute, in a Cosmo sort of way.

  4. I completely thought the 'log' was a loo-roll with arms and legs! What a hilarious piece of fabric.

  5. I completely thought the 'log' was a loo-roll with arms and legs! What a hilarious piece of fabric.

  6. I love this. I have no idea why. My guess is that all the characters are from a kid's book or fairy tale? If not, someone really needs to right a story to go with this.

  7. We have a doll made out of this fabric! I have been looking for it forever.

  8. I really, really adore that fabric. I'm not quite sure why and am vaguely disturbed by how much I do adore it but it's fabulous.

  9. So the onion head is actually cow poo, excellent. For some scary reason I actually new this story after seeing a variation on the monkey /crab fabric

  10. I can't believe that this fabric actually has a cow poo on it! What a bizarre fairy tale.


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