
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the paperwork overfloweth...

As a small business owner, you accumulate a lot of paperwork. I mean A LOT of paperwork. Every three months, it's reconciliation day. I try to make this exciting by putting washi tape all over everything as I sort and file. Every so often, I place it carefully to hide a big fat zero making a $1200 bill look like a $120 one. It makes me smile, but tt doesn't help with the numbers.

Fun for the whole family, let me tell you. The only thing more exciting is getting to file taxes twice a year because you live in Australia and are a citizen of the US. It wouldn't be so bad except they run on different tax calendar years. Joy. Lots of it.

I may need a stiff drink in my mug tonight at Owls.


  1. Sympathies from me! I'm just starting my own business, so its something to get my head around. At least for my first BAS I could just put zeros in all the boxes...

  2. Ugh I did mine lastnight...what a bore!


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