
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

quite a few thank you!

The postman must have noticed that I carried out 8kg of fabric from the house yesterday. He must have realized that I now have a bit of free space. So he chose today to deliver me some realy gems!

The Nicey Jane fabric and Pincushion are from Darci of Stitches and Scissors. I love her blog because everything she makes is really fresh and bright. I was fortunate to win one her fabric giveaways with Nicey Jane. It's a collection I loved when I saw it but limited myself from buying because I was on holiday and wasn't supposed to be buying fabric. She also made me a gorgeous little pin cushion.

Just below that are two tea towels from Kate of One Flew Over. I was admiring her Urban Swap gift and secretly pining with hopes that it would be mine. It wasn't to be though, then for no reason at all, Kate sent me these two stunning teatowels. I love Kate's style, its modern with a bit of maturity to it. Grown-up, stylish like a home decorator magazine. Aren't they dreamy? Look at all of the special-rare fabrics she used!! I don't think I'd ever be able to use these tea towels, but they'll definitely be hung up or skillfully arranged to be admired!

And then, a third package arrived... Now this parcel has apparently been hanging out in the crevices of Australian Post. I think it was about four weeks ago, that Sheridan asked if my parcel had arrived. Oh my! Oh my! It's Alice! A gorgeously illustrated book that will live on the very special shelf. One day, I simply must blog about the very special shelf of books.

I am a fortunate person. I have terrific, considerate friends. I am lucky.

While he was busy trucking over boxes to me, the postman brought one more. This one isn't nearly exciting because I bought and shipped it myself, but ten meters of Kokka Russian Dolls have arrived and will be in the shop later tonight. This was a hugely popular print a few years ago and this colourway became tricky to find. In my opinion, it's far superior to the Matroyshka ranges put out by Kokka since. What do you think?

Thoughts of Christmas ornaments, lavendar sachets, applique cards, pillows and such in the future!


  1. I love that you love the tea towels...hope they get used! I can always make you some more x

  2. Kate's tea towels are gorgeous! I am in the process of making some today, funnily enough, but mine are nowhere near as lovely.

    Tuesday is a great mail day for you!

    So glad that book was posted in March!!

  3. Love the tea towel and I agree that fabric was one of the nicest Russian Doll fabric.

  4. Aww, you are a lucky lady... what great gifts from fabulous friends!

  5. cherish those good friends for sure! lovely, simply lovely!


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