
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

market mayhem.

market mayhem. by badskirt - amy
market mayhem., a photo by badskirt - amy on Flickr.
It's a bit of market mayhem in our house at the moment. I'm the wonderful fool who thought it might be a good idea to do a market with no stock on hand. I didn't think I'd get a stall straight away, but I did!   Beautiful chaos here. Handmade happiness in the making!

Bondi Markets
Sunday, December 9
Bondi Beach Public School.

I'll have hippos, bibs, traditional Christmas stockings and not so traditional ones. By then, these fellas should have their eyes. Stock will be VERY LIMITED.

Send your mates my way this weekend for your Christmas gifts. My guess is that I'll be in the middle courtyard area. Even if you aren't up for shopping, if you live in Bondi please come say hi. It's my first handmade market in a couple of years. I'll take all the friendly smiles that I can get!


  1. I Love those Hippos! I'd you find you've got any left over let me know! I'd take one off your hands.

  2. I know! I want one of those hippos!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I too would love a Hippo if you have any left after the sale! Please let me know if I can buy one!

  5. I too would love a Hippo if you have any left after the sale! Please let me know if I can buy one!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!