
Friday, May 23, 2014

Quilt Design A Day - Group 4

Woven Shapes, a common motif study.
Despite being a bit under the weather, but I try hard to squeeze in my Quilt Design A Day time. Working with quilt shapes on my computer is strangely therapeutic and relaxing. I've been showing you a few of my designs, but thought I'd add a little insight about how recent ones evolved. 
Spoked, May 12
I've found it helpful to choose a theme to explore as I work. Thankfully Anne has no rules for the group and doesn't call me out in front of the class to shame me when I do this. A few weeks ago, I stumbled on asterisk encodings which led to a groups of designs, some of which I've already posted. Spoked is part of that series. Asymmetric, truncation seems to be a recurring theme in my work.
Cold Spun, May 14
Another asterisk based design is Cold Spun. It was based on a four teardrop-spoked asterisk found digitally, but I think they look more like cold taps.

I've started making two of my Quilt Design a Day designs in fabric which has been quite rewarding, but I've been puzzling over how to quilt them. Quilting isn't my forte or something that I enjoy. I'm usually not a fan of complex quilting designs. To be honest, I'd probably be happier if quilting were unnecessary all together.  Despite that (or perhaps because of it?), I decided to create a typography-based whole-cloth quilt design. I didn't get very far, but I think Make Things Happen is a fine start. I envision the letters emerging from the surface Trapunto-style.
Make Things Happen, May 16
And then this happened...
Monday Night Tartan 1, May 19
Every so often you find a motif that resonates with you. You become obsessed. I was instantly taken with the implied tartan and transparency that I created with slashes on Monday night. I had to try the shape in every palette - some from Design Seeds and others that came from my gut. I played with the spacing, the lightness, the airiness and the overall feel of the shapes. I pushed and pulled their vertices. I rotated their regions of light and dark. I played and I played and I played.
Monday Night Tartan 6
Monday Night Tartan 7
Monday Night Tartan 9
In an effort not to bore the other #qdaders, I decided I needed to move on, so I collated many of the designs into a poster format this morning. The Woven Slashes poster kicked off the post. I was pretty sure that would help me move forward and try something, but I was instantly called back...
Monday Night Tartan 10
I've got a lot of love for those slashes. Hopefully my next #qdad adventure will bring me just as much joy.


  1. I loved both you asterisk and your woven slash series.

  2. Love your woven shapes, they are so inspiring!

  3. The woven shapes are so cool and unique.

  4. I think the woven shapes are a real winner, never seen that before and they have a great dimensional quality. Would love to see them as quilt squares.

  5. These are great! I can see why you became obsessed with the many possible permutations. #9, on the acid green, is probably my favourite, and if I wasn't moving house this week I'd be tempted to make one for myself right away. And I agree with you about the unfortunate necessity of quilting. It is for this very reason that I have a stack of tops that have yet to become actual finished quilts!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!