
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Back to Western Australia

It was only five months ago that we were in Western Australia.  Sure, our last drive was harrowing, but we knew we needed to come back.

The roads were less haunting this time. Less barren. Alive with color.  Wildflower season has started here.  Couple that with the canola fields rolled out like welcome mats and you see Western Australia in another light.

Vibrant and alive. Lush and fertile. A stark contrast to the dry red landscape in another season.

Sidenote: Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway.  Congrats to Beck, Emily and Karen who each received a copy of  the Woven Slashes pattern.


  1. Ahhh that's my WA :) God, I miss it so much.

  2. wow so beautiful, wish to visit your country one time, high on my travel list


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