
Saturday, October 22, 2016

hot pot heaven - unused quilt blocks

Like many folks, I've amassed a large stack of stray quilt blocks. Some were destined for unfinished quilts, others were just test blocks - trying out new templates and patterns. As I often do, I handed lots off to charity groups to use in their projects. This weekend, I whittled down the pile a little bit further and made some potholders.

For some, I used pre-made binding from Japan. For others, I made binding out of Cotton & Steel.

This little house is from a sewing kit pattern in a Kumiko Fujita book.

...and a Sarah Watts layer cake made the perfect backing.

The lingering guilt of unfinished projects has eased, and I can move on to a crossover apron soon. With that, I'll be ready to cook.  Do you have unfinished blocks piling up in your home? Have you turned them into unexpected projects?  Feel free to share links to your Insta photos & blog posts. I'm always looking for fresh ideas.


  1. Way to go! I have so many ufos. Love the pot holders.

  2. Great idea. good gift for your non-quilty friends

  3. These are fabulous, Amy. Thanks for inspiration.


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!