
Monday, October 20, 2008

german toys

Yes. I'm going post crazy again, but I had to tell you about this. It's big news. Really big news. Today, I bought a box.

Not just any box mind you. I've been looking for this box for about 11 years. This box is going to hold something magical. I've spent ages seeking out just the perfect box. I considered vintage suitcases, flight decks for DJ's, pokerchip briefcase and nothing was just right...until today.

I'm a terrible op shopper. I walk into the second-hand store and walk out with nothing. I've repeated this process twice a week now for two months. Today, I came away with a $4 box. I am so in love with it. Yes, it's dull and ugly, but that will change and it's perfect for me. See, this magical little box is going to hold something very dear to me. My toy train collection.

If you use your imagination, you can picture green grass, a little village, and snow covered mountains that my little train will zip along.

My trains are tiny and German. I collect Marklin Z scale trains which are 1:220 scale and apparently a more solid investment than stock. I've included a $1 Australian coin in this photo to constrast against the miniature people. That's roughly a US quarter for the American readers.

I have wine cars, bier cars and passenger cars; but none of them had a permanent home. The trains would be set up for a day or two, only to be taken back down. They are small and fragile and need something to protect them from dust and the dangerous, klutzy Craig.

So I got them a box. Now the miniature construction workers will have somewhere to build except for the third guy from the left who suspiciously looks like he's peeing in the package. We may not use him.

I've got plans for the box as well. Years ago, I picked up some reproduction hotel stickers at the Art Deco museum in Miami just for this project. I'd like to give this box a worn, travel suitcase feel to tie in with the train theme. I'll put the stickers both outside and on the inside lid, I think. I do need to figure out how to age them though!

If you see Pip tonight at BrownOwls, ask her for a week of vintage travel or vintage suitcases. I could use some inspiration and she's always got the hookup on good retro stuff!

So that's my new box and my german toys. I'm a very lucky girl. Oom Pa Pa! Oom Pa Pa! Happy Blogtoberfest!




  2. oh wow! what fun trains! i love tiny things! it will be so fun to see what all you do with your box, inside and out!

    cheers to you from another blogtoberfest participant!

  3. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?!

  4. I love toy trains and miniature worlds, I can't wait to see the box set up!

  5. Oh my goodness - this is wonderful. I have a small boy in my midst who would love to see these little trains! So cute. We took him to a miniature exhibition in Beecroft once, and he's still asking to go back (though the exhibitors were certainly a breed of their own!).

    Very, very cool!

  6. If you love miniature railways, have you read Mary Norton's book The Borrowers Aloft? It's the Third in a series:


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!