
Friday, June 25, 2010

more eye candy.

Hexagons from Terri.
Permanently affixed to the large ottoman.
A tedious but worthwhile process.
A perfect match that evokes thoughts of Tribeca.
I'm not sure why.

My finished submission for Pillow Swap 3.
I not so secretly want to keep it.
I'll make an identical one for our home.

Happy to be making again.


  1. The quilting on that cushion looks awesome!!

  2. Amy I LOVE, LOVE that cushion, and the ottoman looks fantastic too. As soon as I get some time I'm going to do some hexis myself... I'm very inspired, they seem to be everywhere at the moment.

  3. How cool is that ottoman! That's so clever!

  4. Fantastic Amy. I am so behind in blog reading but at least it means I'm getting some sewing done.

    I am going to have to try this, they look great. Thank you for the sweet thank you email that you sent as well. I am glad that you love them so much


  5. That cushion is beautiful! What a lovely idea!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!