
Monday, July 19, 2010

Pupper Show Tunic, take 2.

This is my second version of the Puppet Show Tunic pattern from Oliver+S. If you missed the first, it had little elephants and I'm not sure I can actually part with it at the market. This one has been made up in Lecien Color Basics with Lecien scraps for the collar. Size 3-6months. I'm toying with making some matching bloomers from the pattern this afternoon.

As you can see, the back isn't quite finished. I'm debating whether I want to go with buttons as prescribed or swap to the simpler snaps for a 3-6month old size. I'd love input from any parents who've had to dress a toddler for family photos and special holidays!

The Puppet Show Tunic pattern is one that has been discontinued and won't be available much longer. I've already sold out of the smallest size and I don't think I'll be able to get more. But it's still available in 2T-5. I think it's a perfect design for someone that age! It's a three scissor pattern, but still quite achievable once you've tackle the ice cream dress and maybe one more.


  1. such a cute dress, amy!! love the polka dots!!

  2. Very nice but not as cute as the elephant one. Definatly keep the elephant one :) A round button is OK - particularly if the hole is slightly oversized. No flower shaped buttons - pretty but SO frustrating.

  3. I agree with Jodie. Snaps are super easy too. Just think (I have a 3 month old now) that you have to with one hand lift the baby up and button/snap with the other. Not a fun thing to do! Bloomers would be too cute!

    Love the fabric choice.

  4. Oh so sweet. If only my little girl wasn't nearly as tall as me!!

  5. I'm voting for snaps. Buttons can be an absolute nightmare when you're trying to manage a squirmy wormy child! I think mine might be particularly good at squirming, but small buttons often make me think twice about an outfit.

    It's rather lovely, and not pink!! Ahhhh....

  6. I'd vote for snaps too. Buttons are a pain in the buttonhole!

  7. The dress is lovely, I think bloomers are a great idea. Do you have a pattern? I just made my niece a dress and would love it to have coordinating bloomers.

  8. That dress is precious! I'm a mommy of two little girlies and bloomers are always appreciated! It's always annoying to have an adorable dress on them only to see their polkadot Target diaper sticking out from underneath. ;) Also, I vote for snaps, definitely easier!

  9. For 3-6M I don't think it'd be any more or less difficult for snaps. At least for me. At that age, they're pretty easy to just toss over your lap to button/snap them up. I think either is a great option!

  10. Such a sweet dress. Love it.

    Def. snaps. And Made By Rae recently posted a cute diaper cover tutorial that can be scaled down to 3-6 mos.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Snaps or flat buttons, nothing that sticks out because going up the back they can be really uncomfortable for baby (at 3 months baby spends most of her time on her back or reclined)

  13. I say snaps. I did snaps when I made the Puppet Show Tunic.

    There is no worry about buttons coming off, they are also fiddly to do up on a baby, especially on the back of a garment. I am seriously tempted to purchase the larger sized pattern...

  14. Very cute, I love the polkadots. I'd go for buttons. I'm just not really a snap fan, not sure why. And I never really had problems with buttons with my little ones. When there were buttons on the back, I just laid them on their belly. That was good practice for them for trying to learn and lift their head :-)


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!