
Monday, May 25, 2015

Roundabouts - The Pattern

It's been a very long time in the coming, but my Roundabouts pattern is now available on Craftsy. This advanced beginner pattern goes together quickly and easily. It is a great way to showcase special fabrics or to make a small dent in your scrap bins. I like to think it's well-documented with clear diagrams and helpful tips. I think my pattern testers agree.

Many of you might remember this as the quilt that got me through an uncertain time. My hands were tingling, my brain wasn't working right and I wasn't sure if I'd come out on top of things or not. Some readers have inquired about my health now; thank you for checking in on me. I'm happy to say that I am good. It's been six months since I've fell ill and things are now mostly back in order. I struggled for a bit with residual effects from the steroids and posture changes that constricted nerves. I'm good now. I'm happy. I'm enjoying life. I'm as loud and as boisterous as ever.

I have a strong personal connection to this quilt, because I worked on it when I was sick. It isn't my best work technically; but due to the personal relationship I have with it, I decided it was the one I wanted to enter it in Australia's Modern Quilt Show. Those of you traveling to Kiama this weekend will get to enjoy it in person - crooked stitches and all. For those who can't make it, I wrote this for the description card:
Flawed, but ok: After receiving a very roughly cut stack of miniature charms squares, I created a simple design where playful pops of color co-mingled with well-defined background shapes. The scraps were awkward and often not square. From the beginning, it was an exercise in accepting imperfection. I added fabrics from my stash and moved onto hand-quilting. A few lines in, I fell quite ill. Undeterred with tingling hands, I continued putting needle to fabric. I find comfort in this quilt. Much like the wonky fabrics I started with and the uneven lines of quilting, I was flawed, but ok.
If you are going to the Modern Quilt show and see me there, please stop me and say hello.

Rather than call the pattern Flawed, but ok; I went with the simpler name of Roundabouts which alludes to the circles within the layout. It's a great one for scraps or special fabrics. One of my pattern testers made a version is Liberty and shot cotton - a perfect pairing for this pattern. She's just putting the finishing stitches in the binding now. I hope she'll let me show it to you soon. I can think of a number of great ways to make this quilt. One day, I'd like to revisit it with a saturated colorwash sweeping from corner to corner. I'm sure you've got clever ideas for the pattern too.

Getting this out the door took a bit longer than expected, but it is ready to go now. Pop on over to Craftsy to get the pattern at the introductory price of $6.50 USD.

happy making.
--amy at badskirt


  1. Lovely pattern, congrats on getting it out there. Hope to run into you on Saturday (in person, not with my car ;)

  2. It's a beautiful design and a gorgeous quilt. I look forward to seeing it at the show. Glad you're feeling better and I hope to catch up with you in Kiama x

  3. I LOVE this, and am excited that you've labeled it "advanced beginner" -- I think I will forever be a beginner. Glad to hear you are feeling better; I've followed along from afar and hoped you were recovering. Congratulations on this milestone!

  4. Ooh, effective. What's the background solid? It looks almost shot cotton in this photo, but not quite in others...

  5. I'm so glad you are feeling better. I can actually empathize with you since having this experience with my baby. Physical, brain-based limitations are scary. Again, so glad your body has come around! It's a very cool pattern, Amy.

  6. You make me chuckle. I could probably name every single one of my quilts "Flawed but OK"! I'm thinking of naming the one I'm working on, "Never let Perfect be the Enemy of Good"
    Anyway, it's a beautiful quilt, very fun design, so congratulations!

  7. Beautiful and a great description! I love those lines of hand quilting!

  8. dear Amy, I am so happy for knowing that you are getting better and that you are sharing your talented pattern with us!! Can't wait to try it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. Such a lovely quilt Amy (and a great way to show off small pieces)! I'm so sorry you haven't been well- (I can't believe I missed reading about that)... what a scary time for you. I am so pleased you are doing so much better now. Did you ever find out what caused it? virginia xx

  10. Beautiful pattern, Amy. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better now - very strange illness.
    I'm not sure of blogger etiquette here but I would like you to know that I made your little bee pp template and enjoyed it very much - thanks. I put a post up on my blog today and linked back to you.

  11. I found your site by accident today and I wanted to tell you how happy I am that I did. I have found great information about doing hexie binding and have enjoy reading about your adventures around Oz.


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!