
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

quilt bee blocks - a million little pieces

You know that James Frey book, A Million Little Pieces? I felt a bit like that as I tackled my March block for The Beehive. A little bit crazy and needing a drink. Katrina had requested the mega-huge star blocks recently popularized by Rita at Red Pepper Quilts.

Nerves got the best of me. Moreso when I realized we'd be making them out the Amy Butler's Love collection which isn't a favourite of mine. When it was all put together though, I think it's worked out well.

The points look vaguely point. The fabric provided just the right colour variation to keep this block interesting. All systems point to go. Now, if I could only work out how to use the iron...


  1. That one does look like a bit of a chore! I have to say that I don't care for the fabric all that much either. But, all said, you did a great job on the block! Everything lines up!

  2. Great job, and I love the book reference.

  3. I know I said this on flickr but i love love love these!!!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!