
Monday, April 19, 2010

those urban blogging legends...

I wanted to wait until I had pictures, but I'm about to burst...

You know those stories you read on blogs where someone walks down the street and finds a vintage Singer out for council pickup? Or maybe a gocco by the side of the road... you wonder why fate has dealt your friend such a wonderful hand. You're very happy for them, but you're also quite green. Green with envy...

Get out your emerald diffusing glasses now, friends...

Imagine being in a Japanese thrift shop looking for a few vintage canisters. (thank you Little Tokyo Shops for the tip) You're walking in an utterly crowded store... barely shuffling and you hear a tell tale crash. An entire bookshelf of glassware has fallen to pieces... realizing you're safely away from kitchenware and not to blame, you look up and look around. You're startled, but you see something collecting dust in the corner. You know tht vivid yellow box. You've seen it before... but only on ebay.

There it is staring back at you. It's a Gocco and is says 300 yen (about 3.50 AUD). Holy Moley, you're in heaven. You move a picture frame to get to the box and you realize its not sitting on a shelf. No, it's sitting on 3 more Goccos. Startled you ask the price and the man confirms they are 300 yen each. "Buy ink mesh for 100 yen". You don't really understand the man's Japanese but you nod and smile and he just keeps loading you up with far more than you can possibly carry and far more than you could consider fitting in your luggage.

You don't care. You'll master Japan Post, if you have too. You've spent 1300yen (about $15) and in that moment, you own a B6, PG5, PG10 and a PG11. You own a bucket load of supplies too.You test all four at the hotel assuming at least one will be a dud... likely the only with old prints from 1987. They all print. They all are a dream.

I am a lucky girl, my friends. I must have done something right in another lifetime.


  1. that's amazing! my emerald glasses are glowing green!

  2. OMG!!! I'm totally green, but very happy for you. There is no way I would have stumbled on these goodies, no plans to visit Japan in the forseeable future. Good luck mastering Japanese post. :-)

  3. Woot! The luck gods were definitely shining on you. Imagine how many goccos prints you can make a day with four on the go.

  4. Wow! That is an amazing strike of luck. Good on you. Another blogging urban legend come true.

  5. So lucky! I've seen Jodie from Ric Rac's in action a few times and I know how fantastic they are. Lucky lucky you, and I am jealous of you being with all those craft books too :)

  6. Wow! How exciting!!!

    I did read about someone getting a vintage Singer sewing machine for $3 at a garage sale just this week, but I'm more jealous of you.

    If you have any trouble getting them home, you can always mail some to me ;)

  7. Wow! Great score, congratulations.

  8. wuuhhh, go you!! this is definitely payback for the letterpress debacle!

  9. OMG Amy!!! Emerald green is right!! But I'm still happy for you. Can't wait to see all the inky goodness that comes out of those.

  10. Fantastic!! Now I will be expecting to see some Gocco'd card sets (or similar) in the store so we can all share in your good fortune ;o)

  11. Soooooo jealous right now!
    But totally happy for you, I can just imagine the moment; a choir like harmony starts and a spotlight appears on the soon-to-be-yours treasure while camera pans in for a close up - bliss!

  12. ooooh I am totally seeing green!

    I love this story! Shopping bargains are so excited.

  13. I am in the Emerald City, move over Dorothy. I am so jealous. I am one of those people always looking for a Gocco in the op shop. Well done

  14. OH MY GOODNESS! you lucky duck! *green*

  15. holy grail of japanese crafting supplies! that's AWESOME

  16. what a lovely story...AMAZING...and you must be full of good luck!

  17. OMGosh! You lucky duck! I've been wanting to try one forever. Can't wait to see some pics..

  18. Woohoo!You scored. Look forward to seeing the results.

  19. Color me suitably green. Holy cow.

  20. OOOOOH MY....what an unbelievable find. I am jealous and I already own a fair amount of Gocco goodness myself. This is the stuff dreams are made of. Lucky you. Happy Goccoing!;-)

  21. so now I have to google a gocco...

  22. OOhhh, WOWEEEE!! What a score!! I must not have had my Gocco googles on, on my visit : )

    Amy, I owe you a BIG apology!! I got my Amy's confused on my email and I replied to another Amy thanking her for letting me know about the Yuzawaya store.

    Unfortunately, the other Amy didn't respond to my email as she must of thought I had no idea what I was talking about it. Especially when I was telling her how excited I was that she was heading back to Tokyo so soon after she just got back! Doh!!

    So Amy, I am sorry I didn't respond to your email that you kindly sent me. I'm so happy to hear you had another great Tokyo visit. Can't wait to see some of your gocco prints!!



You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!