
Sunday, May 23, 2010


After a strange rush this weekend which depleted nearly all of my online toy stock, Jasper has stepped up and made himself available. Jasper is in my absolutely favourite fabric at the moment, Sevenberry plaid. It's a funky green and burnt order print that I'm crazy about. Very retro, very Mad Men.

Two doxies are waiting in the wings for photographs too. They should be in the shop tomorrow. (One is cars for Heather Ross's Rabbits & Racecars. The other is Cogsmo jets.) I'm going to see I can find any more hippos hiding in my fabric stash. I'm pretty sure there are a few more in there...


  1. What can I say? Great name!!

    Jen in Melbourne

  2. Ahh, he's a cutie. And hunting for hippos? Well, that sounds like fun! (Of course, now I'm thinking about Hungry, Hungry Hippos....)

  3. I looooooove him. LOVE! He's quite possibly the cutest hippo on the whole darn planet! I just wish real ones were this fab plaid too.

  4. I want to make some, do you sell a pattern like you do with the doggie??


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!