
Monday, May 24, 2010

This is Motor. I love happy coincidences in fabric. The unexpected perfect placement that you couldn't have planned if you tried. His little eyebrows, they kill me each time I look at him. I really couldn't have managed that if I tried.

He's in the shop and so is the dachshund pattern if you'd rather make one yourself.

*Thank you to everyone who was worried about finding a home for Jasper. He's found new digs in New Zealand and is pretty excited about it. Since Mr Badskirt is from there, he really talked the place up and now we've got one excited hippo stampeding around the house.


  1. Love his eyebrows too - its great when things like that happen.

  2. oh Jasper is just growing into such a cutie!

  3. Oh my goodness, I adore you... I love the image of Jasper whimpering sweet NZ thoughts while stomping through the house as hippos are wont to do.


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!