
Monday, September 20, 2010

the BESTA storage

I mentioned to my husband that I needed another shelf in the sewing room. He said, "no." I frowned. He said "You don't need another shelf." Overly dramatic pause "You need a whole new storage system."

So armed with a cardboard fabric bolt inner and some measurements, I set off to IKEA. After three hours, I'd tested my bolt insert in every possible shelf they had. I looked at bookcases, bedroom storage, kitchen cupboards. PAX, BILLY, MALM. BENNO, IVAR, HEMNES. I was the crazy woman at IKEA carrying around fabric bolts and patterns.

I would have been embarrassed, but my IKEA forays are already well-known in Sydney sewing circles. Kathy of Material Obsession even commented on it once at a craft show.

Three trips, $1200 and several hours of assembly later. We were in BESTA heaven.

2.4 meters of shelves with room to grow. Doors to cover every ounce of fabric from the morning light. No more need to constantly adjust the shades!

Every shelf moves. It can adjusted every which way. I can stack up to three rows of vertical bolt storage.

I can easily get to my patterns and it's the perfect way to display the canisters which are chock full of notions.

And my favourite part is that we've added a clothes rack to hang up the handful of garments that I make for the markets. The front one is new. It was made during the Jumprope Sewalong using Early Bird flowers and hatches and the jump rope dress pattern.

I still have piles of fabric and scraps to sort, but it's all coming together so well! We may even buy more shelves for the opposite wall. I'm a big fan of IKEA. This storage system is well... the BESTA.


  1. That's some seriously enviable storage. It looks great!

  2. Awesome storage space!! Oh, IKEA makes the heart sing.

  3. Ooooweee, I love all the organisation! I often drool over the ikea storage solutions. Sad? My friends think so. But don't they look great?!

  4. Woohoo! Looks AMAZING!


  5. That is awesome.. I am so jealous.. I dont even have a sewing room (mine is called the dining room table) let alone a whole storage system.. well done!

    I LOVE Ikea too.. I spend far too much time (and money) there.. sigh.

  6. I was admiring these on your flickr this morning... awesome! Everything looks so pretty & organised! It must of been an ikea storage weekend, I went friday night & stocked up on boxes... to go in my, wait for it, Besta!

  7. Oh wow. I wish this was mine! Enjoy.

  8. Absolutely love it! It reminds me of my mum's kitchen... she's got red cabinet doors like that too.

  9. Oh! Green with envy. I'll have to bookmark this for when we buy a house next year, although you'll never hear MY hubby approve $1200 of shelving!

  10. I am very jealous, looks rgeat Amy

  11. This looks wonderful, and what a nice, understanding husband! I had heard that IKEA is the Swedish word for 'divorce' ;)

  12. Wow! That is an awesome storage set up you've got there!

  13. Dream storage! I am so excited for an IKEA to finally be built sort-of nearby (aka same state). Can't wait to go!

  14. Awesome! I am so going to have this kind of storage in my new sewing room. Eek! So excited!

  15. Fabulous Amy! As an organizational freak, I am madly jealous of this! But so happy for you :) It looks awesome! Yay for clever husbands!

  16. That is spectacular. I love that feeling after a good session of organisation, like a clean canvas ready to be tackled. And IKEA is fab, I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw the 2011 catalogue in my mailbox.

    One day I'm going to have a dedicated, IKEA decked out, craft room. With one of those fold down ironing boards and a recess with a power point for the iron. Bliss.

  17. OK I'm like totally jealous now!
    Why don't IKEA have an online shop so that I don't have to suffer actually going into their shop?

  18. Brilliant - I can get very messy if I dont have proper storage - then when I do I get all OCD about being tidy in cupboards, boxes and drawers!

  19. That looks so good! I am totally jealous! One day I will get to an Ikea store...

  20. Drool - Ikea how do I love thee, let me count the ways!

  21. it looks fantastic!! love the dresses hanging!!

  22. It doesn't get better than red doors! yummy! IKEA is getting so much free advertising from sewist blogs of late, it seems like everyone is re-organizing their studios in blogland - we should get them to sponsor a giveaway!!! Your new system looks fabulous and tidy...I want one now!

  23. brilliant!
    i have the besta in the living room for books and the kitchen for special crockery but even for sewing works!!!!

  24. Oh Amy!!!! You are one lucky girl! A husband who willingly shops at IKEA! I am an IKEA junkie - but alas, not my hubby! I just got my new catalogue and am in the process of poring over it - I have fairly recently come into my own room (bliss!) and need to get it sorted!!

  25. I am suffering from Ikea envy because they don't have any stores in Kansas or any place close. I love what you've done with your room!

  26. Super! In a nice bright color to boot.


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