
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

tokyo trend watching - cat girls

With winter just around the corner, fur seems to be for sale everywhere in Tokyo. From my outsider's perspective, it's more than a winter accessory. It's a bit of a movement. Tokyo trend watching : What's hot?

Tokyo's Cat Girls...

Fur boots, fur ears and fur tails (some even attached directly to their pants). I only wish I had started collecting photos of Tokyo's cat girls a little bit sooner for you. And I wish I had gotten you photos of the girls with cat ears on!


  1. This is very interesting! I would have loved to see photos of the cat ears, too.

  2. I just hope all this fur is synthetic, because here in Europe we've been hearing about chinese using dog and cat fur for their clothing, here's hoping japonese think diferently... poor babies!

  3. The Japanese girls have so much fun with fashion and they always carry it well too.

  4. Most of the stuff comes from China, so cat and dog is a possibility. REal fur isn't taboo in Japan, but they may not be cool about it being cats and dogs, if they knew. One of my students (here in Japan) Has one of those fur tails on her cellphone. I think they are pretty stupid.

  5. This is so great! I used to travel to Japan all the time for work and I would send friends little emails with great stuff like this. Isn't Tokyo fantastic? So inspiring.


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