
Friday, November 26, 2010

liberty and boots

Apologies to those of you not into Blythe dolls.
As with all things new, I just can't stop myself.
Liberty and Doc Martens.
Match made in heaven.


  1. Yeah, to be honest, I'm not into them. At all. But, your photographs are beautiful, so it's still interesting.

  2. Nice! My 'girl's' haven't had a change of clothes in months!

  3. I wasn't into them so much as intrigued, I ordered a mini blythe for my 3yo for Christmas.... But am thinking of keeping it for myself - is that wrong???

  4. Yup, they are creepy and weird, but I like artsy photos of them and seeing how crazy their moms and dads get about (ahem) clothing, furniture, wallpaper and Docs. She's looking particularly ready for a tea party today!

    Just how does one de-shine a Blythe?

  5. I like Blythe, but not the boots. I love your photos, it is just a look I was never into, I suspect I am the only one sitting on the limb here :)

  6. I am guessing you will start another blog dedicated to the doll! I have thought about it as i looked back at all my entries over the last few weeks and it is very dolly orientated. Oh well you blog is about what takes your fancy at the time!!
    Oh and I love the doc and pretty dress look.....have worn a lot of it in my time, may have to start again!

  7. I think this Blythe comes from Ultimo? or at least somewhere where a Raben shop is ... Can you do one from Bankstown?

  8. Your photos of her are amazing, but personally Blythes creep me out a wee bit. I'm just not into large-eyed dolls/toys. Your ability to make the clothes just rock though!!!

  9. Never heard of Blythes before and as i have a little boy - we are more of a truck family but i love the photos! Keep them coming. Love the boots and her attitude.


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