
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 second survey - tuffets

Just a quick little survey, friends. A quiz of sorts with no wrong answers. Without the aid of google or wikipedia, define tuffet. what do you picture when you hear the word? does something spring to mind?




  1. A thing to sit on, kind of like a hassock or cushiony thing?

  2. I'm thinking 'Miss Muffett'.
    I'm thinking of a stuffed wide fabric cylinder .... what we used to call a "poof" in Australia.

  3. Yes, Miss Muffett certainly springs to mind!
    Tuffet is something to plonk your bottom on (ie a seat of some sort!)

  4. no idea what it is but yep, miss tuffet springs to mind!

    btw, wanted to show you this amy...

    your two hippos are featured in the recently released cosmo pregancy in ivy's room x

  5. I thought something kind of pouffy at first. Then I remembered Miss Muffet. So...something pouffy to sit sit on? You know, I don't even know what I mean by pouffy.....

  6. a giant comfy toadstool that a young lady could sit on.
    as in, little miss muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey.
    I know it's not right but it's what I've always pictured! I'm sure it was in a picture book when I was little or something.

  7. I think of something that looks an awful lot like one of those Amy Butler gumdrop pillows. :)

  8. I just think of little Miss Muffet sitting on a cushion (or a mushroom for some reason)!

  9. Little Miss Muffett sat on a... I thought it was like a giant toadstool thing?

  10. It's what Miss Muffet sat on.

    I always imagined it to be a mound of grass.

  11. when I think 'tuffet' i get an image of a soft pouffe covered in dusty pink velvet with silver piping and beading. Oh - and of course miss muffet wanting to sit on it and me telling her to bugger off.

  12. a stool ... maybe something with a cushion on it to make it comfortable. interesting to see what a tuffet really is ...

  13. a small stool-type seat with a poofty round pillow top (a la Little Miss M!).

    And I LOVE the pillow you scored in the swap - can't wait to get mine, they have all been pretty amazing!

  14. I think Liam's Mummy got it right - it's a little grass covered mound.
    R x

  15. The only time I've ever heard the word "tuffet" is in Little Miss Muffet and I imagine it to be a cushiony seat with a ruffle around the bottom, just like a foot stool type thingy. ;-)

  16. A big poofey cushion like a foot stool - in the style of a very comfy 'Feet seat'. Remember them?

  17. I've always thought it to be sort of like a floor cushion. If Miss Muffet sat on it, then I would think it to be something relatively comfortable.
    Good luck with the survey.

  18. I've whizzed by all the comments so no notion what everyone else's tuffet looks like. Here's mine: Miss Muffety, grassy, possibly faintly mossy, a piece of furniture that would be located under Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree. Yep. That about sums things up.

  19. A great big bottom in a frilly petticoat!

  20. What Miss Muffit sits on? Never thought about WHAT that would be!

  21. A puffy little foot stool. Like a tufted ottoman, but not to big and very well padded.

  22. A happy little footstool- perfectly suited for little miss muffet. :) What did YOU have in mind? I hope we get to see!

  23. miss muffet sat on one so a tussock or something?!

  24. Another vote for a small mound of grass covered earth.

  25. I picture it as something you sit on that's puffy. Maybe because of the tuff and the puff?

  26. A small short stool/seat? When I think of Miss Muffet I think of one made of grass for some reason.

  27. A cushiony, low footstool perfect for perching on when eating curds and whey! It is upholstered and tufted, of course. (This is probably from my memory of drawings I've seen of Miss Muffet.)

  28. Little Miss Muffett...a round cushion

  29. Of course Miss Muffett pops in mind first. During A Year of Schnibbles we did a tuffet pattern for December. So, I'm going with a soft squishy pillow to sit on.

  30. I always thought it was a portable cushion sort of thing. Am I wrong? (Going to the great wide intewebs, now.)

  31. Candy... And slippers...
    Sounds weird, I know :-)

  32. The little pouf for sitting on. That's my call. Of course, I am influenced by the Miss Muffet.

  33. A round, cushiony thing to sit on. I think of it looking like a truffula tree from the Lorax, for some reason. Can't wait to see what you needed this for!

  34. Either a big cushy mushroom or something on Miss Muffet's dress. Its not her tushie is it?

  35. I think of a big, poofy, ottoman type thing :)


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!