
Friday, June 13, 2014

More Quilt Design A Day

UFS, June 5
I'm still plugging away at Quilt Design A Day. I've surprised myself. I was certain my eagerness would wane after a few weeks, but I'm still at it as I near the four month mark. Persistence has paid off, and my designs have improved over time. I'm smitten with many of them; and if you've read Badskirt for any length of time, you'll know that I'm my toughest critic. We've had a lot of purple and green this month, and surprisingly those are the designs that I've liked the most.
Her Skirt 3, June 1

Zebra Stomp, June 10
Scooped, May 23

Oh Crappy Day 2, June 8
Some palettes and inspiration designs really aren't me, but I try to make the best of them. Others give me clear direction. It shouldn't be hard to surmise which is which?
Crystal Blue, June 8
Wakeup Call, June 9
I've been asked repeatedly what I'm doing with these designs. For the moment, your guess is as good as mine. Don't forget that you're welcome to join #qdad at any time as either maker or watcher. See you there?


  1. I really like the Zebra (so "aerial") and the Crystal blue, the latest I'm surprised of. Not my type at all but I really like the movement in it. What software do you used for that, Illustrator ? I really have difficulties to think minimal designs, maybe I should set that as a goal for next year.

    1. I use Inkscape for these designs which is a freeware vector program similar to Illustrator, which I've also used. We have people in the group who use both of though, as well as EQ, online quilt design tools, phone/tablet based apps and sometimes pen and pencil.

      I love minimal design, but found myself always sewing complex things. The group has really helped me work on my minimal aesthetic, while periodically having a laugh.

    2. My boyfriend is a graphist designer,sometimes using Illustrator. Maybe I should ask him to show me how it works, or design something for me. Thanks for your reply.

  2. I think that these designs are great. I think you should pick one and sew it up!

  3. It's so great seeing all of your designs in one place, they really work well together! I think your work has been the biggest influence over my own work, although I've definitely been influenced by everyone in the group. I seriously can't express how much it means to me that we're all doing this together. :)

  4. These are great Amy. Very impressed with your staying power for doing this for 4 months and counting!


You are a rockstar! Thanks so much for your comments!